Titan FTP Server

Provides secure transfers, intelligent passwords, and events to thwart hackers.


Titan FTP Server is a powerful and versatil software that permits to you share files on your network and over the internet.

You can set easily the features which Titan FTP Server will work, giving you total control and flexibility on each connection, its mantenance is simple.

For Titan FTP server the security is the most important issue, all your files are processed with a schema of security as SSL during the transference, with Level MD4 and MD5 of password encryption. The control access based on IP Address is a key issue of Titan FTP Server. You can schedule triggers based on specific events or conditions and to create rules that act in a dynamic way, based on the server state. That means you can program activities as send a email when occurs some event that you need to have close control.

In your enterprise Titan FTP Server gives you unlimited accounts for all the users you need, and also the controls to mange them. You can configure the maximum speed of transfer and the bandwidth used for every user or server. The manage of the connections from a IP is easy, also you can block the access to users or IPs by the use of commands no allowed.


  • Great and powerfull software that lets you manage your files exactly as you wish


  • Allows you move any file you need, is a powerfull software that can be confused for not professional people
This program received 13 awards
License type:
Admin_ITT 3 years ago

Used for several years with no problems. We use for SFTP transfers.

MarkusX0 13 years ago

Most robust program for FTP Security, Reliability .. and configuration.

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